Welcome to Freya’s life!!


hi I'm Freya! I use she/her and I am a British autistic gamer/artist, I love socialising and playing a multitude of games, I tend to hop from interest to interest quickly but my special interests are are cats and raccoons, I am always open to new friends so don't be hesitant to shoot me a Dm!!


highlighted = main interest

Sky children of the light, supernatural, colourful stage/pjsk, naruto, hermitcraft, empires smp, the life series, phasmophobia, terraria


basic DNI: bigotry, EDTWT/SHTWT, MAPS etcplease don't bring up any mention of zombies or apocalypse as it triggers my anxiety severelyif you need to vent that's fine but please don't do it without warningcriticism of my interests is okay but please don't insult them without reason directly to meautism jokes are okay if we are close, I don't mind British jokes at all, those are funny!!!no jokes about harming animalsDo not privately message me if you are not between 14-19I am a minor so refrain from 18+ jokes

before you interact

I am a very social person, and I like to spam a lotI am very loud about my interests and wont shut up about themmy interests change pretty quickly so I don't stay in one fandom for too longI am autistic so I struggle with tone, so I might struggle with reading the roommy discord always bugs out (especially notifications) so I might be late responding to messages